Let us know if we can help you get a foal from our breeding program. Also check out our "Mares Due in 2024" page to see what we are expecting. Our babies usually sell pretty fast so don't miss out. Message me to get on a waiting list. Breeding information on all our stallions can be found on their stallion pages including contracts & shipment fees & instructions. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line!

Our mission is to breed quality, rare colored Quarter Horses in gorgeous colors – Grullo, Champagne Grullos, Champagnes, Buckskins & Duns. Most of what we breed for are eligible for registration in not only the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), but also the American Buckskin Registry Association and the International Buckskin Horse Association. Our stallions are all AQHA and Buckskin Registered. We offer quality stallions in these colors: Silver/white colored Grullo, Smokey Grullo, Champagne Grullo and Silver Bay. Four of our stallions are homozygous (one being double homozygous) which guarantees color. All of our stallions are amazingly quiet, athletic, and easy to work with.

Photos by Tracy Trevorrow
In 2016 Karen’s Quarter Horse & Buckskin Ranch had 2 of our horses place top 5 at the International Buckskin Horse Association World show in Dun Factor. One of our stallions, Mark Me Famous is a IBHA World Champion Dun Factor horse. Some of our mares are heavily dun factored and we will be crossing them on our World Champion Dun Factor horse in hopes of having some loud Dun Factored Horses. If you don’t know what Dun Factor is, please see our Dun Factor page. In 2016 we showed our 3 month old brindle filly and placed top 5. We can’t wait until she is old enough to join our broodmare ban.
Disposition and Quality are important to us. We select mares to match our stallions with quiet dispositions and good bloodlines. We have a variety of different types of mares on our farm to breed all around contenders. Good colors are hard to find in the show pen, so we own some own daughters of some of the hottest pleasure horses to try and breed these colors into the Western Pleasure field. We also own some top notch halter mares to get some quality colored halter babies. In addition we have foundation Quarter Horse mares to obtain quality and color in these lines. We have selected quality, quiet mares across the board to obtain using horses in color.
We sell babies and currently also have a few broodmares for sale. See our sale page for what we have available currently. We also have mares in foal that will be available. Let us help you find your dream horse.
Psalm 37

This site is in memory of Karen's father, Ray Gauger, who passed away 1/4/06 after a courageous battle with kidney cancer. He is in heaven looking down on us.
We hope you enjoy our site and welcome any comments! Thanks for looking!